The app’s screen shows a BLUE “<” icon in the upper left corner which can be tapped to close the current session and allow the selection of the next model or step in a batch file.
(note that when you use an iPhone in landscape mode this icon has an additional icon next to it that allows you to select VR mode.)
The app also shows a camera and video icon in the upper right corner which can be tapped to take a snapshot or video.
The model name appears at the center/bottom of the screen. A book icon is displayed next to it if the model is accompanied by an event log file. A tap on the model name in this case enables you to show the building steps of the project. A second tap pauses the sequence display. During an event log run you can double tap the screen to obtain a slider that controls the speed and direction of the event log run. A double tap whilst this speed control is displayed will result in the display of the rotation and zoom sliders.
A toolbox icon is shown at the lower left corner. The option in this toolbox are explained in the features and tutorials link.
You can find the app’s settings in the IOS Settings menu.
It shows the current version installed and allows you to control the maximum amount of memory used for storage of the models. The app will compare the current usage with your max. setting every time you close a session with the upper/left “<” return key. If the current usage exceeds your max. setting it will prompt you if it can delete the models in memory.
When you first install the app it will automatically run the app tour. If you want to repeat this behavior the next time you access the app then you can switch on the option here. (p.s. You can also run the app tour from this site).
You can switch on/off the option to enable VR mode.
You can set the option to display the date and/or process description during an event log run. You can also set the duration of the event log run.
The preferred quality of the IFC import can be set with this option.