13) Display a single storey of a multi storey model.

We need to add a filter to display a single storey of a multi storey model.
The filter is a file with the model name and the extension INI.
Here is an example of a filter that displays the first floor of the model Schependomlaan.

IfcBuildingStorey=01 eerste verdieping

In the first line we tell the app that it must prepare the model to accept texture.
If the model is excessively large you may want to display it without texture to save memory.

In the second line we tell the app to display all objects of the first floor.
In the next tutorial you will see how you can reduce the memory size by just selecting the objects of interest.

The next 3 lines use the IFC hierarchy to display the first level only.
A model is defined by the IfcSite that contains an IfcBuilding and we only want to see a specific IfcBuildingStorey.

Please ensure that the model name of the IFC file agrees with the INI file. This is especially important if you have a ZIP file with multiple IFCs.